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Welcome to the Institute of Internal Auditors New Zealand, the professional body for internal auditing

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What is internal audit?

Internal audit is a dynamic profession that provides independent assurance that an organisation's risk management, governance and internal control processes are operating effectively Essentially, Internal Auditors help organisations to succeed.

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Connect with other internal audit, risk and assurance professionals and grow your knowledge and skills with a range of online and local events.

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Trouble logging in?


Following these steps may help you.

Your web browser may have stored (cached) incorrect login details, in which case it will give you the error message "You do not have the necessary rights to access this page".

Please do the following.

  • Logout before logging in with your correct details. Logout here

Still having trouble?

Resetting your password

  1. Visit the members only area of the website

  2. Enter your email address or username into the login form

  3. Tick forgot password

  4. Click send. A temporary password will be emailed to you

  5. Copy the password from the email and paste it into the password field. Be careful to only copy the password, and not any extra spaces. It is recommended you use copy and paste rather than typing in the temporary password. Note: If you have repeated this process at any stage, be sure to use the most recent email from the system, as the passwords change each time.

  6. Once you have logged in successfully with your temporary password, a form will appear prompting you to enter a new password. Note: If you want to update your password or email address at any stage you can do this on the Update Your Details form under the My IIA.

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