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Internal audit is a dynamic profession that provides independent assurance that an organisation's risk management, governance and internal control processes are operating effectively Essentially, Internal Auditors help organisations to succeed.

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Internal Audit Awareness Month is in May 2023. This is the perfect time to showcase both yourself and the Internal Audit profession. Let's use this month to increase awareness, educate others, and highlight the value that Internal Auditors bring to organisations. Together let's make this a memorable month for the Internal Audit profession!

Welcome to Internal Audit Awareness Month

At IIA NZ, we celebrate Global Internal Audit Awareness Month in May. This is the perfect opportunity to showcase both yourself and the Internal Audit profession. Let’s use this month to raise awareness, educate others, and highlight the value that Internal Auditors bring to organisations. Together, let’s make this a memorable month for the Internal Audit profession!

Building Awareness

Many professions enjoy an inherently universal understanding of their value. Most people understand the role of a doctor, for example, so a campaign designed to build awareness of what doctors do is generally not necessary. Unfortunately, this may not be true for the internal audit profession. In fact, even internal auditors' close friends and family don't understand exactly what an internal auditor does.

The aim of Internal Audit Awareness Month is not only to dispel misperceptions of the profession, but also to enhance the business community's knowledge of the essential role internal auditing plays in strong organisational governance, internal control, and effective risk management. When management and boards of directors come to fully appreciate the value of internal auditing, they ensure the internal audit activity is adequately sourced and effectively utilised. Similarly, as the general public becomes more familiar with what internal auditors do, the number of individuals who consider it a viable career option rises, fueling the profession with greater talent.

As an internal audit professional, you play an important role in raising awareness and elevating the profession. Whether you are new to the field, part of an extensive audit team, or the sole practitioner at your organisation, there's something you can do to elevate the profession.

Awareness Month Toolkit

Access creative ideas, tips, and easy-to-use tools and templates to promote the value of internal audit!

The 2025 Toolkit will launched a month prior to May 2025.


Awareness Month Events

Please see the events calendar for events happening in May 2025.

View Calendar

Promoting the Profession and Building Awareness Resources

Advocacy Resources

Position Papers

Position Papers assist a wide range of interested parties but are primarily designed to inform and educate internal audit stakeholders on issues of importance to The IIA and the profession. Their focus is generally related to significant governance, risk, or control issues, and delineating the associated roles and responsibilities of internal auditing.

View now.

Thought Leadership

Get a complimentary subscription to Tone at the Top; a bimonthly newsletter covering all governance-related topics.


Factsheet: Internal Audit Benefits

Information Resources

Factsheet: Evolution of Internal Audit

Factsheet: Internal Auditing Factsheet: Internal Audit versus External Audit

Factsheet: Internal Audit versus Compliance

What Directors should ask of Internal Audit
What Directors should ask of Assurance
What Directors should ask of Risk Management What Directors should ask about Internal Audit Resourcing
Whitepaper: Resourcing Internal Audit

Thank you to IIA-Australia for generously sharing resources for members.

Adding Value Across the Board Brochure
This brochure addresses how internal auditing contributes to strong corporate governance.

All in a Day's Work Brochure
This brochure addresses the varied roles of internal auditors.

Getting to Know Internal Auditing
This PowerPoint presentation provides and overview of the internal audit profession. It compares internal audits to financial statement audits and identifies internal audit stakeholders, ideal reporting relationships, and more.

Value of Internal Auditing: Assurance, Insight, Objectivity
This PowerPoint presentation describes the value of internal auditing to stakeholders.

Global Advocacy Platform
This brochure explains The IIA's key messages and can be used to help internal audit advocates communicate those messages consistently around the world.

Further resources are available on the IIA Global 'Promote the Profession' page.

Updated 04 September 2024
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