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Internal audit is a dynamic profession that provides independent assurance that an organisation's risk management, governance and internal control processes are operating effectively Essentially, Internal Auditors help organisations to succeed.

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IIA NZ Awards


IIA NZ Awards: Celebrating Excellence at the Heart of the Profession

The IIA NZ Awards are a prominent highlight of the internal auditing landscape, eagerly anticipated every year at the esteemed IIA NZ Conference. This annual gathering serves as a powerful testament to the significance of our profession and its remarkable contributors.

At the IIA NZ Conference, we unite as a community to not only enhance our collective knowledge but also to recognize the exceptional individuals who drive our field forward. These awards embody the spirit of celebration, honouring the outstanding achievements and dedicated efforts that shape the world of internal auditing.

It's a platform where professionals from various corners of our industry converge, a place where colleagues, mentors, and friends gather to acknowledge their peers' exceptional contributions. The IIA NZ Awards stand as a symbol of distinction, underlining the profound impact that individuals make on our profession's evolution.

The IIA NZ Awards 2024, is an enriching experience, where we as a profession honour excellence, inspire growth, and celebrate the remarkable journey of the internal auditing community.


Internal Auditor of the Year: 

Our supreme award for individuals in the Internal Auditing Profession

Award Prize: This award will be presented at the IIA NZ Conference 2024. The award recipient will receive: 

  • A trophy award engraved with the recipient’s name.
  • Complimentary in-person registration to the IIA NZ National Conference in 2025.

Emerging Internal Auditor of the Year: 

Recognising a new Internal Auditing Professional

Award Prize: This award will be presented at the IIA NZ Conference 2024. The award recipient will receive:

  • A trophy award engraved with the recipient’s name.
  • Complimentary in-person registration to the IIA NZ National Conference in 2025.

Team Excellence in Internal Auditing: 

Team contribution to Internal Auditing

Award Prize: This award will be presented at the IIA NZ Conference 2024. The award recipient will receive:

  • A plaque award engraved with the teams’ name.
  • $500.00 restaurant voucher.

Best Contribution to the Profession in NZ: 

Enhancing the Profession in NZ (IIA NZ Board only nomination)

Award Prize: This award will be presented at the IIA NZ Conference 2024. The award recipient will receive:

  • A plaque award engraved with the recipient’s name.
  • Complimentary in-person registration to the IIA NZ National Conference in 2025.
  • $250.00 restaurant voucher.

Richard Ratliff Award: 

Promoting Internal Audit at a National level

Award Prize: This award will be presented at the IIA NZ Conference 2024. The award recipient will receive:

  • A plaque award engraved with the recipient’s name.
  • Complimentary in-person registration to the IIA NZ National Conference in 2025.

2024 Awards Nomination Form

IIA NZ Life and Fellow Awards

The IIA NZ Life Member and Fellow Member awards hold a special place in our hearts as we take a moment to honour those exceptional individuals who have made significant contributions to our organisation. These prestigious awards recognize the dedication, commitment, and outstanding achievements of individuals who have gone above and beyond in advancing the field of internal auditing. 

Through their unwavering support and expertise, these awardees have enriched the profession, inspired their peers, and left a lasting impact on the industry. As we gather to celebrate their accomplishments, we express our gratitude for their exceptional service and commitment to excellence. 

Their remarkable contributions have paved the way for the advancement of internal auditing, and we are proud to acknowledge and celebrate these esteemed members who have made a profound difference in the world of internal audit. Congratulations to our past Life Members and Fellow Members, your legacy will continue to inspire and shape the future of our profession.

Fellow Member Award

The classification FELLOW of The Institute may be awarded by the Board to those who hold the classification of Member who have performed meritorious service to The Institute. 

Nominations are to be made in writing to the Secretariat for submission to the Membership Committee who will make recommendations to the Board at its next meeting and are subject to the following criteria:

  1. The award of Fellow will be limited to 15% of total membership of The Institute.
  2. Nomination by any five [5] members of The Institute.
  3. The award is subject to approval by all members of the Board present at a duly constituted meeting.
  4. The award carries the designation of FIIA (NZ) and such designation will be lost if membership of The Institute is not maintained.

Life Member Award

The classification of LIFE MEMBER may be awarded by the Board to Honorary Fellows, Fellows, Associates, Members, Educational Members or Retired Members, who have contributed significantly to the cause of Internal Auditing in New Zealand, subject to the following criteria:

  1. The award will be limited to 5% of total membership of The Institute.
  2. Life Members retain any designation that they held prior to the award of Life Membership.
  3. The award is subject to approval by all members of the Board present at a duly constituted meeting. Nominations are to be made in writing to the Secretariat for submission to the Board at its next meeting.

2024 Awards Nomination Form

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