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The IIA NZ is committed to promoting the value and credibility of the profession of internal auditing

IIA NZ Advocacy Committee

The IIA NZ is committed to promoting the value and credibility of the profession of internal auditing. Its broad aim is to raise the standard of internal audit practice by promoting the International Professional Practices Framework for all internal audit practitioners and, in doing so, further raise the profile and standing of the internal audit profession. To be recognised as fundamental to good governance and organisational success in the New Zealand environment, IIA NZ has determined that the Advocacy Committee’s activities are best placed to achieve these goals.

Advocacy’s goal is to ensure all organisations and their stakeholders (public and private sector) understand and value the purpose and practice of internal auditing. Sustained demand for, and supply of, qualified internal auditors to service organisation’s needs is crucial to meeting our commitment and goals.

The Advocacy Committee supports this by:

  • Raising the public profile of the profession
  • Creating alliances with influential bodies to raise demand for internal auditing.
  • Liaising with universities to create better course options for intending graduates.

The Advocacy Committee continually reviews the stakeholders that are important to the IIA in achieving our strategic objectives. The Committee has appointed relationship managers who have developed Relationship Development Plans to ensure mutually beneficial outcomes. The stakeholders listed below are our current priorities. There are a further group of stakeholders who we interact with from time to time as a ‘watching brief’ and they are also listed below.

Current Priority Stakeholders
Chartered Accountants of Australia & New Zealand      
Institute of Directors
Office of the Auditor-General
Transparency International New Zealand
Otago University
Victoria University
Members, CAEs
Other Stakeholders
Public Service Commission
Financial Markets Authority
Reserve Bank of New Zealand      
Serious Fraud Office
Local Government
Auckland University

IIA Advocacy

The IIA's strategic plan promises to raise the profile of and demand for internal audit and ensure the profession is recognised as an indispensable resource by key stakeholders. A principle tool for accomplishing this goal is advocacy.

Successful advocacy means honing and promoting key messages to inform and promote the fundamental elements that make an organisation’s internal audit function an essential element in effective governance.

  • Internal audit makes organisations stronger. Properly positioned internal audit functions that are independent, well-resourced, and aligned with an organisational strategy make for effective internal audit.
    When internal audit is effective, it makes the organisation stronger.
  • The IIA’s International Standards for the Professional Practice of Internal Auditing provide the foundation for high-quality audits that help ensure complete, accurate, and reliable information is reported to the governing body and stakeholders. The Standards are a mandatory element of The IIA’s International Professional Practices Framework (IPPF), which includes the Code of Ethics, Core Principles, and the Definition of Internal Auditing.
  • The IIA's Certified Internal Auditor® (CIA®) is the only globally accepted certification for internal auditors and remains the standard by which individuals demonstrate their competence and professionalism in the internal audit field. CIAs demonstrate proficiency in the profession and are better equipped to deliver high-quality audits in accordance with the Standards.

Discover more about Advocacy at The IIA.

Global Advocacy: Elevating the Profession

Internal audit is indispensable to governance, and governance supports the success of all organisations. The focus of advocacy and The IIA’s 2030 vision for the profession is that internal audit be recognised as such by the year 2030. To that end, the Global Advocacy Platform document comprises core messages highlighting the nature and value of internal audit, and how it is objective, competent, independent, and trusted. The messaging regarding the contribution of internal audit to governance and risk management addresses the following questions:

  • What is governance and why is it needed?
  • How is internal audit indispensable to governance?
  • How does internal audit contribute to organisational success?
  • What is needed for internal audit to be successful?
  • What does it mean for internal audit to be independent and objective?

Collectively, these aim to capture in plain terms the central role internal auditors play in helping organisations achieve their goals.

Download the Global Advocacy Platform resource.

IIA Position Papers

Position Papers assist a wide range of interested parties but are primarily designed to inform and educate internal audit stakeholders on issues of importance to The IIA and the profession. Their focus is generally related to significant governance, risk, or control issues, and delineating the associated roles and responsibilities of internal auditing.

Access The IIA’s Position Papers.

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